Meet the Doggos™

Meet the Doggos™ a brand new book series for kids ages 7-10 written and illustrated by Suzi K. Edwards.

Every day Simon walks past Butch on his way to school, and tosses him his Splot sandwich. Simon hates these meat sandwiches but Butch loves them!

When neighborhood bullies attack Simon, Butch comes to his rescue and a lasting friendship is born.

The Series

Simon & Butch (The Doggos)

Simon & Butch (The Doggos), 2024

Hardcover & Paperback

Stephen & Scrappy (The Doggos)

Stephen & Scrappy (The Doggos), 2024

Hardcover & Paperback

Fiona & Dora (The Doggos)

Fiona & Dora (The Doggos), 2024

Hardcover & Paperback